Without these tools/drivers, your guest operating system performance, particularly with Windows, will be significantly impaired.

#Parallel for windows 10 is frozen install#
You mention that “Parallels ships with its own set of drivers.” VMware Fusion, too, has drivers and custom software that you need to install in your guest operating system (with your guest operating system booted, go to Virtual Machine > Install VMware Tools from the OS X Menu Bar). I just wanted to mention that you may have had a configuration issue with VMware Fusion. Glad that Parallels is working well for you. Also, as I said, If you really want to take the max performance, there is no need to be afraid of setting the nr of processors to the 8 threads of a i7 CPU. To get a fair comparison there is the need to set this to the same number. The default value in VmWare is 1 processor, while the default in Parallels is 4. Did you check the number of processors in WmWare. Anyway, I cannot see why you had such a huge lack of performance using VmWare Fusion. I agree with you that Parallels graphics engine is much faster than Fusion’s. Maybe the connection problems in my Fusion machine were solvable, but, since it’s working fine with Parallels, I didn’t take the time to find the cause of the problem. I used Fusion 6 and didn’t experience your problems, although I used it only with Multicharts and on a Full screen set-up.Īctlually I was using Fusion 7 I, wothout any known reason my internet connection was dropping, leaving me with blind open orders: I was attributing the loss of connection to my brokers servers, but it wasn’t, so I switched to Parallels 10 and my problems were solved.